Bath, England was not on our original travel agenda since we were looking for smaller villages mostly but decided on a whim to ride the train up to Bath. My husband is a huge history buff and being half Italian he also loves anything with an Italian architecture and history. When our taxi driver mentioned it being a must stop and that it was just 15 minutes away- we decided it deserved a quick trip.

British Bath
Remember how I mentioned that it was that bank holiday weekend? It was also a Saturday on the bank holiday weekend and that meant all.the.folks. were out and about and All the folks were for sure out and about in Bath it seemed.

We were surprised at how busy it was but just stepping onto the standing room only train should have told us that we were in for a very busy stop.

Bath & Beauty

No doubt about it- Bath is beautiful. As the train pulls into the station and you can see the building tucked into the greenery- it is breathtaking. The walk up to the main ‘bath’ area was not that far and that was the top of what to see on the list so we wandered in that direction.

We paused here to listen to this musician performing in the square. He played Andrea Bocelli and it was so beautiful- especially surrounded by all the stunning architecture. The ‘Bath’ was just to the side of this.

Bath is more like a thriving modern city but with incredible architecture and buildings. While it is historically old- it looked and felt much more modern and new in places at the same time. I can see why it is a must stop while in the area- it has a huge amount of charm and things to see. I recommend a stop if in the area- just try to avoid a holiday weekend or weekend in general probably so that you can soak up more of what Bath has to offer- without fighting the crowds.

While we were wandering- we bumped into a tag sale so of course, I had to snap a few pretty things that definitely would not fit into my carryon.

We spent just a few hours exploring Bath before hopping to train back to Chippenham and then wandering over to another village before heading to our hotel in the countryside. Which we really didn’t know much about at the time- but was about the last room available on that bank holiday weekend- and so we grabbed it. It has an interesting story- and a few ghosts we were told. More on that one next travel post.

Have you been to Bath, England before? What did you think of it?
Happy Thursday all.